Hi @jim0thy
Good question.
You can submit feedback and feature requests via tickets to Zapier Support: https://zapier.com/app/get-help
NOTE: It’s unlikely that will get updated anytime soon though, so you may be best going the Todoist API route, so if you need help, consider hiring a Zapier Expert: https://zapier.com/app/get-help
Hey @jim0thy, thanks for asking about this! I do see we have an open feature request to add this description field. I have added your vote for it so you’ll get an email the second it becomes available. No ETA on if/when you can expect to see this implemented but we’ll be sure to come back to this thread with any updates in the meantime. 
Thanks @jesse, I appreciate that.
I brought this up over a year ago. I have been through the same cycle with support and been given the same run around responses.
Descriptions have been a regular part of Todoist for a LONG time now. They are integrated fully in the API. And yet the Todoist integration has no description functionality. Please, please, please Zapier - and yes Zapier is the source of this as the Todoist people have confirmed - add this element.
And until you have a plan to add it, please stop closing all comment threads about the issue as if they are resolved. People need to be able to add weight to this request.
Come on!
Hi @mikemoore
The workaround is to use the Todoist API: https://developer.todoist.com/rest/v2/
App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Webhooks app as an action: https://zapier.com/apps/webhook/help
Perhaps consider hiring a Zapier Expert if you need help: https://zapier.com/experts
Hey there, @mikemoore. I hope you don’t mind, I merged your feedback into the main topic for this feature request.
For context, topics auto close after a certain time frame and truly isn’t done out of ill intent. When we have new interest in feature requests that have previously been brought up in community, we do our absolute best to keep them batched together and reopen the topic. This is for the exact reason you mentioned! It helps us to properly capture interest/impact on new features.
You’re right though, sometimes these do get by us so we appreciate you for expressing your interest in this.
While I don’t have any updates to share at the moment, I do want to reassure you your thoughts are heard. I double checked and your vote has been added to the request. As Jesse mentioned, though we’re not able to provide ETA’s on when or if feature requests will be implemented, your vote ensures you’re emailed if that changes. We’ll also keep this topic updated at the same time.
Thank you again for being willing to share your feedback with us in the community, Mike. It’s definitely valued and appreciated.
Can you please add my vote to the request
Hi @sirzapsalot
I’ve added your vote for this feature request, and we’ll notify you once and update is available. Thanks!