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Are there any apparel Print on Demand services that still work with Zapier?

  • 9 February 2023
  • 4 replies

Printful seems to be the latest service that no longer supports Zapier. I looked on the Zapier website and did not see any other print on demand services that do shirts, mugs, etc. for Zapier. Or am I looking in the wrong place? Does anyone know if there are any services that offer this and are compatible with Zapier? Thanks in advance.

Hi @Chikara Press 

Good question.

Check out these Zap apps:

@Troy Tessalone Yeah, that’s where I looked, and it still shows Printful on that list, but it is no longer supported by Zapier. I was curious if there was any other place on the Zapier site that I missed. Unfortunately, none of those other places on that page are POD for apparel and mugs like Printful is.

@Chikara Press 

What makes you say Printful is no longer support on Zapier?

@Chikara Press 

Maybe try Helloprint API: