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Adding multiple Products in Invoice module in Zoho CRM

  • 10 February 2021
  • 5 replies

I’d like to create a new invoice in Zoho CRM (I am using the standard Invoice module) and add two products to the invoice. I already figured out how to add one product, but I want to add another product (i.e. shipping cost) to the invoice.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find out how to do that. Is there a way to solve this problem? 

Thanks for help. 

No ideas?

Hi @michael291!

I don’t know off the top of my head whether the Zoho CRM invoice module supports line items, but if it does you can look into the Line Itemizer function of our Formatter app:

We also have a couple of articles in the Community that discuss the Line Itemizer:


Hope that helps!

Hello @nicksimard thanks for your reply and all of your details.

I think I will have to contact Zoho (I can create a Purchase Order/Invoice with multiple line items directly in Zoho CRM) but I am not sure if it possible via Zoho CRM. The field “Product” in Zapier (that is defining the product) is a dropdown. So there cannot be added more than one items here. 



@nicksimard  I solved the problem now. I contacted Zoho and they told me I can add the products with comma separated product IDs (as a custom value) as shown in the screenshots below. And that did work. 



Hi @michael291!

Thanks for confirming that for us, and following up with the answer you got from Zoho :)