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I have created a trigger for my application where I added API Configuration with Polling. 


My response is a array of objects and every time number objects are same but properties are changed. 

For example if the response is like this 



    “name”: “abc”,

    “id: 123,

    “res_count”: 1



I want to trigger the action on the change of  `res_count`. But zapier does not do it by default. It only triggers an action of there is a new record with new `id`. 


can anyone tell me if it is possible to watch on UPDATE operation by polling ?

Hi @deep_adeshra 

Good question.

Does your app support sending webhook for “update” events?

It a more efficient use of resources, rather than continually polling for new data.

If yes, then use this Zap trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook


Hi @Troy Tessalone 


Currently my app does not support sending webhooks. Is there any way to do with polling only ?

Or it would be best if you can direct me to setup this “Catch Hook”


Help article: Trigger Zaps from polling webhooks


2. Enter the deduplication key


By default, Zapier looks for an “id” key, and uses that to determine whether a record is new or not, i.e. to deduplicate the records.

If the “id” key does not exist by default in your data, you have 2 options:
* You may specify an alternate unique key that the Zap can use for deduplication in the Deduplication Key field. * If you don’t specify an alternate key, the Zap will fall back to the shortest key containing “id”.


3. Enter a child key


Often, the array containing the objects that you’d like to trigger your Zap is not top-level—instead, it may be contained within another object.

If this is the case, use the Key field to enter the key corresponding to the array that does contain the records you’d like to trigger the Zap. Note that this field does support dot notation if the array is nested more than once.