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Zap Failing with Error 400: to Instatus Error

  • 12 December 2023
  • 14 replies

Goal Zap: GET from → PUSH to

I am a novice API user. I am able to retrieve from However, unable to push to , Error 400. I have removed the endpoint URL from the photos. Specific question: how do I structure the header? General question: what am I doing wrong? instructions: 

If you want to open a new incident, send a POST request to the URL with the following body. Encode it as JSON with the Content-Type: application/json header.

{ "trigger": "down" }

Thank you for the help.


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14 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Chunt59 

Please link to the API docs that you are referencing to configure the Zap step.

Hi @Chunt59 

Please link to the API docs that you are referencing to configure the Zap step.

This is on our account page. URLs are protected. 

Additional documentation is available here:

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Make sure to add a Header.

If you want to open a new incident, send a POST request to the URL with the following body Encode it as JSON with the Content-Type: application/json header, and be sure to include the templates.



Make sure to add a Header.

If you want to open a new incident, send a POST request to the URL with the following body Encode it as JSON with the Content-Type: application/json header, and be sure to include the templates.


Do the data field should remain the same?

  "trigger": "down"


and header should be a single line: 

Content-Type: application/json


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Headers field description says key/value pairs.

Top: Content-Type

Bottom: application/json




Headers field description says key/value pairs.

Top: Content-Type

Bottom: application/json




Updated. I had tried that before. Maybe this is trigger related? The trigger is configured to catch hook, no child key, and returns a good test result.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Can you post updated screenshots with how your Zap step 2 is configured?

Per the provided link:

If you want to open a new incident, send a POST request to the URL with the following body, and be sure to include the template.

Status is optional

"trigger": "down",
"createTemplate": "cl8hrdsdsasu232441sv26yq",



Can you post updated screenshots with how your Zap step 2 is configured?

Per the provided link:

If you want to open a new incident, send a POST request to the URL with the following body, and be sure to include the template.

Status is optional

"trigger": "down",
"createTemplate": "cl8hrdsdsasu232441sv26yq",



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Is the Template ID being used a Template ID that belongs to your account?



Is the Template ID being used a Template ID that belongs to your account?


I’m not seeing this anywhere else except for on the API Doc. When adding it appears this isn’t needed: 


This is an example photo from the account. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Ok then revert to this JSON

"trigger": "down"


Try setting the Payload Type = Form



Ok then revert to this JSON

"trigger": "down"


Try setting the Payload Type = Form


“Failed to create a request in Webhooks by Zapier
Invalid trigger type (HTTP Status Code: 400)”

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


I see the issue now.

Top: tigger

Bottom: down



I see the issue now.

Top: tigger

Bottom: down


Thank you so much for the help. I was wondering if it needed a title similar to the header. Worked great!