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This works in postman to push a podcast episode from paperform to spreaker.

BUT when I try to setup a Zapier Webhook to do the same I can’t get the formatting right.

I’m about to rip all my hair out.

It appears the Spreaker API only accepts cURL so that is why I’m trying to use it. Here is my failed attempt.

Any help would be a godsend at this point.

Below is what I’ve tried and no matter what I do I can’t get past this error.



curl --location --request POST '' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer 9802f8cd3d391b08bca0d22bdffef3516d23a508' \

--form 'title="EP110 Spacey Lives"' \

--form 'media_file=@"/C:/Users/Alex Hajicek/Desktop/Brownfootage.mp3"'




Hi @Temoran 

Good question.

Try using the regular POST request option instead of the CUSTOM POST request option.

That has a Data section where individual parameters/values can be set.

Also make sure to obscure your API Key in uploaded screenshots!

Hi Troy,

It gives me the same error when I don’t use a CUSTOM POST and put everything into the data section like you said.

ERROR with POST Request - Shown Below




Try with this Payload Type set to the default value of “form”.


@Troy Tessalone Awesome that worked! But now that last piece, handling the MP3 Portion, as you see in postman 

I need to include the @ symbol before leaving the link to the location of the uploaded audio file to push it into spreaker.


How can I get that setup properly in the form view?

This is why I tried to use a custom code block at first.


--form 'media_file=@""'




Try adding the static @ value to the the start.


@Troy Tessalone 


Didn’t Work

Didn’t Work

Didn’t Work



Try putting quotes around the file URL

e.g. @“URL”

Sometimes it takes trial and error along to figure out what will work


Hi @Troy Tessalone 

I am also doing similar action but seems i also get a failed response of “media_file:Required”. Just as you indicated i tried @”URL” but failed. below is the curl request the spreaker api expects:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH-TOKEN" -F media_file=@audio.mp3 -F "title=Daily News"

it is to note that it is designed for locally available files (which is working fine) but I have a case when the file is at a server. Also as you can see both the file and title goes into the “-F” argument. When we put the file url in the “Files” field then again it throws a “title:Required” even though it is there in data payload. Thanks in advance.


Also try w/o the @ symbol since the file is hosted online and make sure the link is to a publicly available file.