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What are the delivery guarantees of the webhook.

  • Are the incoming messages queued?
  • Is the order of processing in zaps guaranteed?
  • What if there is error in the process of zap?
  • Can i use the request_id from the webhook to lookup zaps execution

Thank you

Hi @ralphsomeday 

Good questions.


  • Are the incoming messages queued?
  • Is the order of processing in Zaps guaranteed?
    • Yes and no
      • Yes, can be controlled using the above mentioned Delay After Queue
      • No, there can be issues with apps in Zaps, Zapier, etc. that may cause hiccups/glitches and results in a backlog of Zap Runs to be processed, which when fixed may not process in sequential order
      • System Status can be checked here:
  • What if there is error in the process of zap?
  • Can I use the request_id from the webhook to lookup zaps execution
    • No, the Webhook request_id is not an available data point to use to lookup in the Zap Runs:
    • There is an existing feature request open for this