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I want to send myself a weekly report (email) based on a true false column in my sheet. I want to have anyone whose last appointment is within the next 2 weeks put in this report so i can make communicating with them easier

I want it to trigger on a Monday at 6am

loop through the sheet and pull all of the true rows into an email to me with the data from the customers


Hi @MattATSoCalYouthSports 

Good question.

I highly recommend using Airtable instead of GSheets for this:

Airtable has Views.

Views have Filters. (e.g. Date = Today)

Views can be used to trigger Zaps.

Airtable has internal Automation capabilities.

Airtable has an API that can be leveraged.

is there a way of automatically update the airtable form either my booking software (amelia) or when i pull data into a sheet of every booking, for airtable to upload it automatically, find the last appointment booking date and then create automation t send me a report when that persons last appointment falls within certain parameters?


----------------------here is what i have------------------

Hi guys another 2 questions

Firstly, I have worked out how to get each completed booking to the spreadsheet then Zapier takes over to create the report and send it each Monday morning. however when it does this or someone books or adds a booking it prints in to sheets every booking not just the last booking. Am i missing a step. Here is the link to my zap

Below is how it is put into a spreadhseet


I also want my webhook to catch any time an appointment changes, in particular if this appointment change changes the last appointment date. How can I do this? My new Zapier webhook link keeps failing 

Basically when the last appointment date changes for any customer either when they initially book or update it i want it placed and updated for that customer in the spreadsheet in order to publish a quick report weekly to me



Is there a way of automatically update the airtable form either my booking software (Amelia)?

Here’s a help article about how to use Amelia with Webhooks as the Zap trigger:


Create automation to send me a report when that persons last appointment falls within certain parameters?

Try creating Airtable View with Filters and use that View to trigger the Zap.