Hi @ericAtCulinaryFlow
Can you explain more about how you are trying to authenticate?
What app are you using that needs to be authenticated?
Are you referencing any existing authentication documentation?
Hi Troy! Thanks for the fast response!
I create a zap using ‘Webhooks by Zapier’ and using the generated url, I can call it from our code and have the expected action fire.
Now, ideally, I would like to either use basic auth w/user&password (or use a generated key) and have it verified somehow when the Zapier generated trigger url is called. I saw a similar post just now (i.e.
) and I think my initial suspicion is correct that for authentication, I will have to roll my own app and upload it to be combined with a zap.
Again, I am new to the platform, so I apologize if this is a newbie question :)
Hi @ericAtCulinaryFlow
Webhooks app as a Zap trigger doesn’t support verifying webhook signatures yet.
Other alternative is this: https://webhook.site/
So this is another third party site...or is it a Zapier site? If not, I would prefer to not jump to another site if possible. Is it possible to create our own app to handle the authentication and upload it via the CLI option Zapier supports? If so, I will dig into those specifics.
Custom Zap apps can be created on the Zapier Platform: https://zapier.com/platform
@Troy Tessalone - I was speaking with our team and they wanted to know if authentication via the ‘Webhook by Zapier’ is on the road map. If so, when? If not, can it be added?
Even though we can do authentication via other means, the ‘ease’ of Zaps is really attractive and having an option to authenticate our calls to zaps we create would be super cool :)
Thank you for your time!
Hi @ericAtCulinaryFlow
To clarify, I don’t work at Zapier.
Zapier doesn’t share their product roadmap.
You can submit feature requests and feedback via Zapier Support: https://zapier.com/app/get-help