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Not getting Twitter posts on webhook

  • 7 August 2023
  • 6 replies



I have set two twitter handles, but I am getting twitter json only from first handle, not from second handle. I have created two Zaps for both handles and set same webhook everything is same but still getting data from only one handle. Right now I using trial plan.


Please let me know if i am doing something wrong or multiple handles are not allowed in trial or free plans.



Hi @arjun.bisht 

Good question.

Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to give us more context.


Zaps using Webhooks has triggers have unique webhook URLs.

Make sure you’ve configured both webhook URLs.


Hi @Troy Tessalone 


I was using same webhook URLs in both Zaps and now corrected it. But still I am not getting new twitter json, only getting existing tweet json while testing Zap using Webhook. Is there any restriction such like one Account can only be used in one Twitter trigger?


See this is first Zap working fine.


but this one is not working




Please clarify, as the screenshots don’t show how you are using webhooks.

What are you Zap action steps?

@Troy Tessalone 

Here are Zap action steps: 



Have there been search mentions for both Twitter accounts since turning the Zaps ON?

@Troy Tessalone 

Yes, both Zaps are published and I am receiving JSON for @_ArjunSB without any issue. But not receiving JSON when I mentions @MobineersInfo in any tweets.


In below screenshots, _ArjunSB Zap working fine but MobineersInfo Zap not.