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Hi, Im trying to make a Zap between Monday and Followupboss. Unfortunately Monday’s side dosen’t pick up the columns that I need to send over to Followupboss.


I’ve managed to get a JSON query setup to pick up the values from Monday with this:

query {

  boards(ids: xxxxxxxx) {

    items {

      column_values(ids: n"telefon", "e_post", "plats",]) {






With this I guess I need to setup a Javascript with Code by Zapier but Im not sure how to move forward from here. Is Javascript the way to go? If so, I have never used Javascript and is this something that requires a lot of experience?

@Robin.H  To do this in the Code atep, you need to:

  1. Get the Authorization Key from you account
  2. Build the query string as JSON
  3. Complete the code and test.

Here is a code snippet you can use to complete this task:

//Set the authorization key
var authKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
//Build query as JSON - must be one string
var myQuery = JSON/stringify({“query”: {boards(ids: xxxxxxxx) {items { column_values(ids: (\"telefon\", "\e_post\", "\plats\"]) {title text id}}}}
//Build GET options
const options = {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': authKey
params: myQuery
//Send the request
return z.request(options)
.then((response) => {
const results = z.JSON.parse(response.content);
//Return the results
return results;


@Mercology Thank you so much for your answer!

I took the code, added the authKey and added the board ids.
When I then ran it I got this error.

“SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token”

So I removed all the comments incase that was causing the problem. But I got the same Syntaxerror. 

Any idea where I messed up?


Replace JSON/stringify with JSON.stringify


Tried it now, still SyntaxError with that change.  

Do I need a “ ,  “ or a “  ;  “  after the } which closes the Const Options?

Let’s try using a Javascript template for the variables in the query:


Replace the current var myQuery… with the following:

var boardId="xxxxx";  //if this is a number, remove the quotes...
var field1="telefon";
var field2="e_post";
var field3="plats";
var myQuery = `"query": {boards(ids: ${boardId}) {items {column_values(ids: (\"${field1}\", \"${field2}\", \"${field3}\"]) {title text id}}}}`;

If this doesn’t work, are you available for a Zoom call?  Let me know, happy to jump on to debug.


Ye still SyntaxError.


Ye Im available, any time today! Once again, thank you so much for helping me out!

Hey again, I realise there is quite the timezone differens between the US and Sweden :sweat_smile:

I will discuss this with my colleagues on monday and see if this is the way for us to solve this problem or if its out of our scope. Or maybe a solution for the future!

Incase we choose to try this way, what is the easiest way for me to contact you and setup a zoom call?

Thanks again!

The syntax is the tricky part as we are converting a GraphML query into JSON.  Once we get the syntax, this will work.  I will private message you about getting together in Zoom.