I have triggered some field from the Oncehub to slack with the help of Zapier. but zapier did not got the data of the oncehub custom fields like Fb member First Name, Last Name etc. in their Fields. i have created a zap having name Oncehub to Slack zap name. Please check and let me know the possible solution
Issue Regarding Oncehub field data in Zapier
Can you post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured?
Might be best to open a ticket with Zapier Support for further help here: https://zapier.com/app/get-help
- Choose app and Events (https://prnt.sc/26kac6j)
- Choose Account (https://prnt.sc/26kacki)
- In testing these type of Custom fields Shows blank (https://prnt.sc/26kacyf)
Have you tried changing the trigger step data examples?
Yes i have tried this but no data comes its only shows blank field there. Meanwhile i have entered the data in the form which i connected but not getting data in zapier
Are you able to include screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured and the data returned from the trigger step to help us have more context?
I have already shared the Screnshot with brief if you will see my previous message carefully
- In testing these type of Custom fields Shows blank (https://prnt.sc/26kacyf)
The previous screenshots don’t show how the Zap step is configured with variables mapped between the steps.
Unfortunately when you share a Zap it only creates a clone of the Zap steps in the recipients account, but doesn’t show how you have the variables mapped between Zap steps.
Please provide screenshots with how each of your Zap steps are configured.
Trigger Steps :
1. Booking Scheduled in OnceHub (https://prnt.sc/26q00ui)
2. Account (https://prnt.sc/26q017v)
3. Triggred Data (https://prnt.sc/26q01qo)
Action Steps
Send Channel Message in Slack
1) Choose app or event (https://prnt.sc/26q02aw)
2) Action in which data comes as no data (https://cdn.zappy.app/46c55a113c3a641eebb9d37707ee2fff.png)
3) Result (https://cdn.zappy.app/f00bd66d6c82128965191860a789e276.png)
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Have you tried submitted a new Scheduled Booking via Oncehub with these data points populated?
Then change the trigger test data to pull thru the newly submitted example to test with: https://zapier.com/help/create/basics/change-the-test-data-in-your-zap-trigger
Oncehub help articles: https://zapier.com/apps/oncehub/help
The returned data points from the trigger example are empty, thus way no data is flowing to the action step.
These mapped data points for the given trigger example show “No data” for many of the mapped fields.
I have also tried with submitted a new Scheduled Booking via Oncehub.
Still No data comes in that field. Is there any other way to show data ?
Can you confirm you changed the trigger test data after submitting a new test that have those fields populated?
How to change the trigger test data to pull thru the newly submitted example to test with: https://zapier.com/help/create/basics/change-the-test-data-in-your-zap-trigger
Otherwise, next best step may be to open a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance: https://zapier.com/app/get-help
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