Hi all
I’ve been struggling with one particular webhook for a week now and really need some help. Worth mentioning that I’m not a developer but work with webhooks daily, just not familiar with this particular format.
I’ve been working with the Zapier support team but am going to see if anyone has any ideas how I might get this working correctly.
I’m raising a Custom Request (POST) webhook that is testing quite successfully. The trouble is that when I try to pull the results through in the next action step, the data isn’t actually pulling through as an array which is what I need it to do.
It looks like the data is nested in an array when testing the webhook (see screenshot below):
But this issue happens in the following step in that Payment, Payment2, Payment3, and 4-6 are not grouped together.
For example, we'd expect that since each of your payments have a PaymentReference field, that the Reference data for each of the three payments would be group together in a line-itemized field. But instead, we see 6 separate PaymentReference fields, one for each payment:
The webhook info is here:
Custom Request
Method: POST
URL: https://api.demo.ezidebit.com.au/v3-5/nonpci
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:px="https://px.ezidebit.com.au/">
<soapenv:Header />
SOAPAction: https://px.ezidebit.com.au/INonPCIService/GetPayments
Content-Type: text/xml
Any ideas how to approach the next step? I really just want to create new row(s) in a Google Sheet for every new payment request. But the trouble is that for this to work I need line items and I can’t find a robust solution to account for the variation in payments each day when this webhook runs (it’s triggering on a Schedule).
Obviously the amount of payments is going to change from day to day so I need a solution that can cope with a variation in payment results.
Any help would be most appreciated.