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Hello, I would like to duplicate zaps via a Web Hook or via the API automatically, and I would like to edit the second step of the zap automatically after duplicating it.

I also would like to know is there an API or Web hook to publish a zap automatically. I need help with this as soon as possible, as this will make my work so much easier if this was something that would be possible.

I see someone has asked about this same thing two years ago, but it is now September 2024 and I am still inquiring. Thank you for your help

Hi @zappinmyway 

There is no API available yet to do that.

Hi there, @zappinmyway! 👋

If you’re the developer of an app and are looking to build Zaps within it natively there is a Workflow API that can be used to create a Zap (and publish it at the same time), but there aren’t any endpoints available for editing or duplicating Zaps. Please note: to use the Workflow API, you would need to have a public integration on the Zapier platform. You can learn more about the Workflow API here: 

That said, I’ve shared your interest in accessing this sort of functionality via an API to our Product Team to help get this on their radar. I can’t make any promises around when we might have this sort of functionality to Zapier but we’ll definitely follow up here to let you know when and if it is! 

Sorry to not have a more immediate solution. If you have any further questions or if there's anything else we can help with in the meantime do let us know! 🙂
