I had built a Zap for a client a year ago where I was able to pull the raw JSON data into a JavaScript code snippet in order to pull nested arrays apart for use. Well I guess something changed over that time and the reference is no longer valid. I can’t find a way to access the JSON code anymore from the given list nor do I see any way to reference the raw code, which is a shame because Zapier is garbage at handling nested arrays passed via JSON. I could go into more detail, let’s just suffice it to say that the ‘normal’ methods would return the whole list repeatedly - even the AI got it wrong (every.single.time.) when I relinquished my own control.
All of my searches turn up what used to be possible, not what is current.
(a bit of an aside: Zapier wouldn’t handle creating an array of web addresses passed via JSON when some of them were blank and maintaining the association with their relative parent, so grabbing the raw JSON had been my workaround… now it’s time for a workaround for the workaround it seems)
Thanks in advance.