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How to save list of files in Google Drive using webhook - JSON

  • January 11, 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi guys,

I am struggling with saving the list of files in google drive using webhook. 

---------The image is saved in my database like that: 

IMAGE: https://image-example.jpeg - to save it on my google drive I use JSON and I don’t have any problem to save it (this is not a list, but just one item), all works good.

---------BUT, when it comes to files, my files are saved in my database (BUBBLE.IO) like below:

FILES: My first list of files as a list of files:

           My second list of files as list of files:

My JSON for WEBHOOK for list of files:


          "FirstListOfFiles": [


          "SecondListOfFiles": [

So I use webhook and “Encode file URLs for GOOGLE DRIVE” it doesn’t work and saves these files as .TXT file in my Google Drive.

I tried a lot of configuration so I would appreciate any help with it.

Thank you.

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1 reply

Troy Tessalone

Hi @charleski 

Good question.

Try using the Looping app to iterate thru 1+ files.