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How to redirect webhook to thank you page on builderall form submit?

  • February 5, 2022
  • 9 replies

Hi everyone

Use Builderall as websites and funnel builders

I have a builderall contact form that allows you to redirect after completing the form data

I also have the possibility of inserting an action, and it is what I did by entering there the link to the Whebook Zapier I created, but after the compilation the ZAP snaps, but the page that is displayed is not my thank You page but the Zapier code string

I realized that the option to make the action overlooks the redirect to the Thanksgiving page

I then put the redirect string after the Whhebook link, example

but gives me 404 Zapier error

Do you know coem to help me?

I also tried to take the data from gmail and put them on a sheet, as I felt an email after completing the form on my web page, but the zap gmail does not make me choose the name and surname fields but it gives me a single field and I can't put it in my sheet

How can I capture the data of a contact form to pass them in Zapier?

Thank you all

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9 replies

Troy Tessalone

Hi @Simone 

There is not currently the ability to set a redirect for a Zapier Webhook URL.


An advanced approach is to use front end javascript on a thank you page and pass the submitted form data as query string parameters on the redirect url to the thank you page.

The thank you page javascript would pull and parse the query string parameters and fire the webhook to trigger the Zap.


I encourage your to submit a ticket to Zapier Support to be logged that requests this feature:

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  • February 5, 2022

Hello ok thanks

At this point how can I pass my data to fill in the contact form to trigger my whebooks?

I was thinking of capturing them from an email coming via gmail or parser but without a result

In WordPress via Contact Form 7 I hide the Link WheBook and I can pass the data, how can I do such a builderall contact form?

Troy Tessalone


This Builderall video may provide guidance for how to configure the webhook:

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  • February 5, 2022

Thank you, but it's not what I'm looking for I know this

I need to pass my data from the contact form

The data that comes or collected from my module via Zapier and the APIs, go directly to my affiliate network, and Quesot I do it with WordPress

I would like to do the same with builderall, ideas?

A confirmation email comes to me once users have compiled the form

If I insert the action in the contact form, the Thanksgiving page is not displayed, how can I do?

Troy Tessalone


Are you able to post screenshots about what options are available for the Form Actions?


Otherwise, it seems like email parsing is going to be your best option.

Try using an app such as Mailparser to parse the contents of an email:

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  • February 5, 2022

The screens are attached

When I put the Zapier WheBook link in the Action field, no MMI works more 'redirect at Thank you page, but the page with Zapier code string appears

Troy Tessalone


Your best option is to go with email parsing…


Otherwise, it seems like email parsing is going to be your best option.

Try using an app such as Mailparser to parse the contents of an email:


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  • February 5, 2022

Hi, I tried and I managed to make it work, but you don't feel good about the compiled fields, there is always a letter or a number, how can I solve?

I created a template based on the email that arrives

given the name to the fields everything works, the fact that I can set it to the characters


Can you help?

Troy Tessalone


Best to use the Mailparser app which is more robust and reliable, instead of the Email Parser by Zapier.

Try using an app such as Mailparser to parse the contents of an email: