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Hello, I am attempting to save files into a OneDrive directory. However the string that I would like to use as the file name has a chance to contain reserved Windows characters. Leading to an error in the step.


I need to remove the following characters from the string



I have looked at the Formatter step and can see that there is a replace function. I am wondering if it is possible to either input multiple characters into the Find field and have it search the string for each of those characters.


If that is not possible I can create several different Replace steps, but that seems like a waste of tasks. If there are any other apps I can use to accomplish this I am open to those as well. Thank you so much!

I have found a solution to my question. I ended up having to use a Code step to trim out all the characters at once.



Hey @Walking Comfort so glad you were able to find a solution! We appreciate you coming back to this thread to share your workaround with the rest of the Community as well. 🙂