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Hey there,


I’m looking to run a webhook call to the Dropbox API to return some video metadata, which is possible through the “get_metadata” call found here:


I understand getting the basic info, which I’ve got working, but I’m very green about API calls through webhooks.


I’m just looking to pull metadata for a video, but I’m not exactly sure how the “data” fields in the webhook would need to be set up since when you set “include_media_info” to “true” it seems the call is looking for another parameter or a different data input which I can’t figure out from the docs. I get an error that says “true is not a valid boolean.” I tried creating a new key/value pair with “FileMetadata.media_info” set to “video” like the docs maybe suggested(?) but I get a different error “FileMetadata.media_info not a valid field.”


Would anyone be willing to help? What am I missing?




Hi @sillywonka 

Good question.

You can use the Webhooks app as an action step:

Try using a Custom POST request.


URL goes in the URL field.


Headers go in the Headers section.


Parameters go in the Data section. (copy the JSON Code)



Then post a screenshot with how your Webhook step is configured if you are still having trouble so we have enough context.


@Troy Tessalone Hello again! Sorry to bug you.


So my current Zap configuration looks like this:



So I’ve got this working where it returns the basic metadata info for the file if I remove the “FileMetadata.media_info” key/value pair and set the “include_media_info” to false.


I’m tripped up where the Dropbox docs specify that if the “include_media_info” is set to true, then   “FileMetadata.media_info is set for photo and video,” Which I thought was what I was doing here, but maybe I don’t understand how that should be passed.


Thanks for any and all help!


Looks like there are extra spaces after “path” and before “/delivery...”


@Troy Tessalone Sadly, that was not the issue. The image I uploaded was edited, so it looks like there’s more space than there is. I omitted the beginning of the file path for security. 


However, I got the answer by trial and error:


I used the webhook as a Custom Request instead and used the example JSON in the “data” field directly copied from the Dropbox API docs and then modified to fit. Here’s what that looks like:



Thanks for your help though!