I’m trying to send a GET request to index records that match a certain criteria. I can send the request, but for whatever reason I cannot get the additional parameters to work so that I can filter the results. Here’s the API documentation: https://populi.co/api/?shell#index-18
I’m trying to send an index request that only returns applications at 100% completion. Here’s the action in Zapier:
I’ve tried adding the string the the end of the URL but that doesn’t work either: https://wMYDOMAIN].populiweb.com/api2/applications/?application_form/100
I’ve also tried the same thing in Make and Postman and can’t get it to work, so I’m sure it’s something I’m doing wrong. Interestingly, if I send that URL in my browser I can see in the API logs that the request parameters were correctly identified, which doesn’t happen when I send the URL in Zapier.