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Exact same Zap step data out showing differently depending on step position




I have a Webhook GET request with endpoint filtering set up as part of a sequence of steps. The EXACT same step returns different results depending on if its at the end of the sequence or in between other steps. Its important to know that the location the data is being pulled from does not change.


Step 16 - Returns only 1 line item (see screenshots of data in/data out).


Step 19 (final step)- Returns 2 line items (see screenshots of data in/data out).


As a side note by having this step anywhere but the end of the sequence its also causing an issue where it causes the Zap to trigger multiple times.


Is there a different way of retrieving the data other than Webhooks GET request? To see if the bug is consistent?





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2 replies

Troy Tessalone

Hi @Mitchell Zezima 

Options for using APIs in Zaps:



Hi Troy, I managed to solve this in the end as I was using endpoint filtering within the zap there was pending asynchronous operations that was affecting the timing and the eventual response received. I managed to solve the issue by using a code step with a cache busting parameter and a time delay. 

Thanks for your help :)