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Hello ! 

Can you help me urgently:
1) I receive email with Excel file in attachment
2) Excel file contains data
3) I need to get this data from email attachment to CRM

Please explain how Zapier can help me to handle it ?

Hi @TomSandr 

What email app are you using? (e.g. Gmail)

What format is the attachment? .cvs OR .xls/.xlsx

What CRM are you using?

What are you trying to do with the attachment file data into the CRM? (e.g. create a Contact)


Check out this article about handling CSV files with a Formatter step in a Zap:

Hello ! Thank you.

Gmail What email app are you using? (e.g. Gmail)

.xlsx What format is the attachment? .cvs OR .xls/.xlsx

I asked this question to choose CRM (maybe Zoho CRM) and additionally Can you suggest best CRM for my goal and for healthcare industry. What CRM are you using?

I need get values from Excel to CRM. Name and ID. What are you trying to do with the attachment file data into the CRM? (e.g. create a Contact)



Sorry no Gmail. I need for Microsoft Outlook

Hey @TomSandr,

regarding the question about the CRM. I think this is always hard to answer. I think you should have a look at several ones. Pipedrive is for example also a nice tool that integrates nicely into all kinds of other tools. Hope that helps.

Hi @TomSandr, xlsx is a hard format for Zapier. This post suggests how you can import an xlsx into Google Sheets by replacing an old file: 

Disclaimer, I haven’t tried that myself…

Once you’ve completed that step, I would trigger another Zap via a webhook that takes the data from the Google Sheet and loads it into your CRM. For that, you probably would want to Loop over the rows and upload them one by one:

I hope this helps you into the right direction. Let me know if that works and please share your solution!

Hi @TomSandr,

  1. Convert the XLSX file to Google Sheet file using the link: 
  2. Assuming you’re going to use Zoho CRM:
    1. Find a module using the data available in the Google Sheet file (ie: contact name, email, phone, potential name, account name, etc)
    2. Update the module: add information from the Google Sheet file to the module you just found

By module I mean contacts, deals (or potentials), accounts, etc.


If you are going to use a different CRM, the steps are similar, but the action may be different. Maybe you will be able to “find and update” the module, and save one step.

Oh ! My GOD ! Thank you so much brothers !! I wish you all the best