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Discord bot reached maximum number of servers

I've tried numerous times to make a connection with Discord, but everytime I try to do so and grant alle the requested rights to the zapier bot, it returns an error message saying that “This bot has reached the maximum number of servers". I'm not sure what it means by that.

The only thing the documentation advices me to do, is allow the bot to set webhooks. Since the bot hasn't even managed to show up, I've temporarily given @everyone the right to manage webhooks. When that also didn't work I switched of all the permissions the zapier bot requested, save the webhook permission. And even that didn't work. 

I'm running out of ideas. How can I solve this problem?

@nicksimard Today I have the same issues. I can't link zappier to my discord. So, could I please be notified as well?. I hope it will fixed soon.Thanks. 

The problem is, Zapier has to verify his bot at Discord Verify. This is new at Discord since a few months. If you have not verified your bot, you can only have it on a maximum of 100 servers. So if you want to be on more than 100 servers you have to verify!

See here:

@nicksimard Could I please be added to the list whenever the Zapier-Discord integration would be available, I have an urgent project and would definitely would like to know when the Zapier integration will be working again.

I have added these folks to the affected users list, to be notified when this is resolved: @Repeat @pyroplumeria @Folalbii @Ain Waltz @Thaliruth @marcelguerero 

@Thaliruth you’re absolutely correct. That’s what we’re in the process of doing with Discord 🙂 Looks like they’ve got a high volume of requests coming in. I’ll be as relieved as all of y’all when this gets resolved!

Its working right now !!


Thanks :D

Its working right now !!


Thanks :D

Correct, except now Gmail doesn’t accept Zapier accessing the account to retrieve emails...sigh! 

Hi all! Thanks so much for your patience, and so sorry for the inconvenience. As mentioned above, we were going through the process of getting our bot approved for use on Discord. I’m happy to be able to announce that we’ve been approved, so you should be able to once again create Discord Zaps. We’ll send out the email to notify users that this is resolved shortly.

Please let us know if you have any further questions!


It worked now!


Connection to Discord works now, wich is great! But webhooks with Discord Dont work, I get a  "400: Bad Request".

Anyone has the same problem?

Hi All,

Thanks so much for your patience as we worked to resolve the issue you saw with adding a new Discord authentication to Zapier. We were going through the process of getting our bot approved for use on Discord. I'm happy to be able to announce that we've been approved, so you should be able to once again create Discord Zaps. 

Should you have any further questions, please reach out to our Support team here!