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Hi there, I am trying to create a Custom Action that makes an API call to Clio to obtain only specific fields from a specific matter. I cannot use the API Request (Beta) action because of a current 401 error bug. When I test my action, I am getting a 502 Bad Gateway error code. I have tried to add in debugging/logging and cannot figure out what exactly is going on. In Postman I have been able to do the OAuth2 handshake and obtain the matter; I fear the action is not doing the handshake correctly? Not entirely sure.


Right now, I am just trying to simply get the matter. I have tried using headers including Content and Authorization but still no result.

export async function getMatterDetails({ matterId }: { matterId: number }): Promise<{ result: any }> {
// Construct the URL with the matter ID
const url = new URL(`${matterId}.json`);

// Make the API request using fetchWithZapier
const response = await fetchWithZapier(url.toString(), {
method: 'GET'}

// Use throwErrorIfNotOk to handle non-OK responses
await response.throwErrorIfNotOk();

// Parse the JSON response
const data = await response.json();

// Return the result
return { result: data };


Any help/guidance is appreciated.