Hi @Greg DV
Good question.
Try using the Looping app: https://zapier.com/apps/looping/help

Thanks for your quick reply!
I was able to loop only on the number of items in the array but not on their actual value.
For example if I have the following a line items for 2 products being
nProduct 1, Product 2]
2Quantity = 1, Quantity = 2]
I am able to loop twice (as I have 2 products) but I didn’t figure out how to loop 3 times as I would like the result to be:
Product 1, Quantity = 1]
Product 2, Quantity = 1]
=Product 2, Quantity = 1]
But I think I figured sth out with the following Zap

The code to create single product orders being

const URL = inputData.File_URL.split(",");
const filtered_URL = URL.filter(url => url.includes('pdf'));
const Quantity = inputData.File_Quantity.split(",") ;
const Id = inputData.Product_Id.split(",");
const final_URL = c];
const Product_Id = o];
let k = 0
for (let i = 0; i < Quantity.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < Quantity0i]; j++) {
final_URL k] = filtered_URL[i];
Product_Id k] = IdPi];
k = k+1;
output = {final_URL,Product_Id}];