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Combing multiple clips using Python Code (in Code with Zapier)

  • 14 May 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello Guys!

I am looking for a solution to combine clips using Python code in a zap. Input will be clips from Google Drive and output same to Google Drive.

I found following code but it’s not working! (I’m not coder). Could you please let me know if there is any solution or other ways to merge clips in zapier?


Code with i found: 

from moviepy.editor import *

# load clips
clip_01 = VideoFileClip('nature.mp4')
clip_02 = VideoFileClip('rain.mp4')

# join + write
result_clip = concatenate_videoclips(cclip_01, clip_02])


Hi @John Da 

Good question.

Limitations with Code steps

  • You cannot require external libraries or install libraries commonly referred to as "pip modules". Only the standard Python library and requests are available in the Code app and requests is already included in the namespace.