I am trying to POST a webhook to an application, and getting a ‘Invalid JSON’ error each time.
I have narrowed the problem down to 2 fields in the payload, both of which only accept an array. I am only passing one value, but it still has to be in an array. If I remove these fields, the webhook posts properly so I know it’s probably a syntax error or something.
Here is the exact copy of the call that works when I post it using cURL:
POST /v2019-11/milestone-update/xxxxxxx HTTP/1.1
Host: api.floify.com
X-API-KEY: xxxxxxxxxx
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 174
"operation": "checkoff",
"milestoneNumber": "1",
"emailSend": "0",
I have tried putting this value in like t“<value>”] and also tried it with a custom payload. I can’t figure out the syntax!
Can anyone help? I am stumped :)