I’m trying to get an action that can pull a list of members from discord, filter by role and then send DMs to the people with a specific role.
Problem is that I am constantly getting this error:
name | Error |
message | Relay error: ['Authentication Data not found for auth_id 49754986 in the monolith db. This could mean that the authentication id in the request is expired or unauthorized for the user making this request.'] |
stack | Error: Relay error: ['Authentication Data not found for auth_id 49754986 in the monolith db. This could mean that the authentication id in the request is expired or unauthorized for the user making this request.'] at file:///tmp/working/main.mjs:47:53 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async notifyRoleMembers (file:///tmp/working/main.mjs:4:27) at async __WRITE_OUTPUT__ (file:///tmp/working/main.mjs:65:20) |
I tried testing an action that would just find my ID on discord - and it gives me the same error.
I’ve checked authorization; the bot has access to everything that it possibly can. I’ve also disconnected it and reconnected it, and nothing has changed.
As far as I can see, the guild ID is correct as well.
Full disclaimer: I’ve got limited experience with HTML and VBA macros in Excel but none really with creating code, so I got the Copilot to help me. Moreover, this is my first foray into integrating … well basically anything into Discord.
Can anyone help?
Ty in advance!
Full log:
Source files: main.mjs, package.json
status (proxy): start
User authenticated with jwt auth, using tenant_id: 'authed-x-1NGLQ-1NFyf'
Using existing lambda function
status (runner): start
up to date, audited 1 package in 800ms
found 0 vulnerabilities
exit code: 0
[emit:log] {"message":"Relay Request","data":{"url":"https://relay.zapier.com/discord.com/api/v10/guilds/777855643561230376/roles","method":"GET","headers":{"accept-encoding":"identity","x-relay-authentication-id":"49754986"}}}
[emit:log] {"message":"Relay Error","error":"['Authentication Data not found for auth_id 49754986 in the monolith db. This could mean that the authentication id in the request is expired or unauthorized for the user making this request.']"}
Error: Relay error: ['Authentication Data not found for auth_id 49754986 in the monolith db. This could mean that the authentication id in the request is expired or unauthorized for the user making this request.']
at file:///tmp/working/main.mjs:47:53
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async notifyRoleMembers (file:///tmp/working/main.mjs:4:27)
at async __WRITE_OUTPUT__ (file:///tmp/working/main.mjs:65:20)
exit code: 0
status (runner): done
status (proxy): done
Full code:
export async function notifyRoleMembers({ guildId, roleName, message }: { guildId: string, roleName: string, message: string }): Promise<{ result: string }> {
// Step 1: List all roles in the guild to find the role ID for the specified role
const rolesResponse = await fetchWithZapier(`https://discord.com/api/v10/guilds/${guildId}/roles`);
await rolesResponse.throwErrorIfNotOk();
const roles = await rolesResponse.json();
// Find the role ID for the specified roleName
const targetRole = roles.find((role: any) => role.name === roleName);
if (!targetRole) {
throw new Error(`Role '${roleName}' not found in the guild.`);
const targetRoleId = targetRole.id;
// Step 2: Search through guild members to find those with the specified role
const membersResponse = await fetchWithZapier(`https://discord.com/api/v10/guilds/${guildId}/members/search?query=&limit=1000`);
await membersResponse.throwErrorIfNotOk();
const members = await membersResponse.json();
// Filter members who have the specified role
const targetRoleMembers = members.filter((member: any) => member.roles.includes(targetRoleId));
// Step 3: Send a direct message to each user with the specified message
for (const member of targetRoleMembers) {
const dmChannelResponse = await fetchWithZapier(`https://discord.com/api/v10/users/@me/channels`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ recipient_id: member.user.id })
await dmChannelResponse.throwErrorIfNotOk();
const dmChannel = await dmChannelResponse.json();
await fetchWithZapier(`https://discord.com/api/v10/channels/${dmChannel.id}/messages`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ content: message })
}).then(response => response.throwErrorIfNotOk());
return { result: `Messages sent to all members with the role '${roleName}'.` };