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Hello I use zapier to add the users info to a new row every time someone joins my discord server! The problem is that its kind of a hassle to come back to the website to make sure it runs. Now for the question, Is it possible to send a message to a discord channel I set every time the zapier process runs?

Hi @Dim!

From what you’ve described, the simplest way to do this is to add another step on the end of your Zap. After the action which adds the new row, add the Discord action Send message to channel. That way, you’ll know if the person was added to your rows because you’ll also get a message. 


If want to be sure that all of the correct information was added to the row, another way of doing this would be to create a second Zap that triggers from the new row. Your table/database would need to be something that integrates with Zap (eg Google Sheets, MySQL, and many more!). The Zap would trigger from the new row and then send the information to Discord using the Send message to channel action.


Finally, you can also you can create a Zap that triggers from a Halted task or if your Zap runs into an error using the Zapier Manager app. If you set up a couple of Zaps using those triggers, you can notify yourself if there’s a problem with your Zap. 


Which one of those do you think would work best for you?