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Acuity API Respones not empty

  • April 13, 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi there, 


I am using he Acuity Get API for clients:

When it could not find a client is returns a 200 instead of a 400 response as the response body is not empty, but contains an empty array “[]”. 

I am not sure if this a bug in the beta version or If I am doing something wrong. 


Thank your for your advice! 

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1 reply

Troy Tessalone

Hi @Direct_24 

The 200 response means the request was correct, but there were 0 results.

A 400 response would mean an invalid request.


To handle each case, try adding Paths:


Otherwise, for us to have more context, we will need to see screenshots with how the Zap steps are configured.