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I am trying to run a zap from jwplayer to google sheet.


My aim : anytime I download a video on jwplayer, I want to create a row in a google sheet.


I can define very well my zap, can establish connection with jwplayer through the API credentials… Testing in zap definition is running well.


But When I want to run my zapp, it looks like it is searching for a while then I get this message Error turning Zap on: Got 400 calling POST, expected 2xx.


I tried several time… but I get Stucked…

Some picture will describe my problem…

Testing is working fine  in My App menu


Media definition is working fine : 


Testing one record in Zap definition is working fine and I can get one example from my account in test trigger


But If I try to turn ON my zap, in different way, i still kept the same message and ZAP doesn’t turn ON :




Thanks for your help

Hi @Sylv1 

Probably best to open a ticket with Zapier Support here for them to troubleshoot further:

Hey @Sylv1, welcome to the Community! :)

I’m not seeing any Support tickets for this question - were you able to get past that 400 error and turn on the Zap?

Please let us know!