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Promote inclusive language with a simple Slackbot

  • 28 August 2020
  • 1 reply
Promote inclusive language with a simple Slackbot

We have all sorts of diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts going on at Zapier. Everything from unconscious bias training to allyship keynote speakers to KRs that reflect our D&I goals.

Since we spend all our days thinking about how we can make apps work best for us, my colleague Dannielle thought about how folks could use Slack to help promote inclusive language. These days, most of us are living on Slack or another team chat app, so it’s a great opportunity to take advantage of its features to add to D&I efforts.

Take a look at this article she wrote for details on how it works—and why.

Promote inclusive language on your team with a simple Slackbot

Now we’re on the hunt for other apps that have features that might help with D&I efforts. Any suggestions? Drop them in the comments so we can check them out!


Very cool!
