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Management automation tip: automate feedback tracking for your directs

Management automation tip: automate feedback tracking for your directs
  • Zapier Staff
  • 4 replies

I’m one of the Managing Editors of the blog over here at Zapier, and my colleague Krystina recently wrote a piece about how to automate your feedback tracking. Her system is based on a brag sheet, where she tracks all her wins—and not-so-wins. 

I just recently became a manager at Zapier, and this article made me realize: I need a system for tracking feedback and comments for my direct reports. And not just for performance reviews, but for 1:1s, growth plans, and even just celebrating daily wins. I can only help my directs grow if I can point to really specific successes and areas for growth.

At Zapier, most of our communication happens in Slack, but we work in lots of other spots: Google Docs, Coda, our internal blog tool Async, and plenty of other apps. Instead of making a Zap for each of those, I decided to use Push by Zapier.

Whenever anything happens that I want to track, I use the Chrome extension to jot it down. (I also have the Push by Zapier app on Slack, which will automatically include a link to the Slack message in my tracking sheet.)

Check out Krystina’s article for more ideas on how to automate feedback tracking. And drop any other suggestions in the comments here!

Feedback at work: How automation can help you handle criticism like a pro




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