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Google Forms Error Quota Exceeded "Expensive Reads"


New user here. Im trying to create a Zap where when someone fills out a Google Form, it creates a task for me on Google Tasks. But I get this error message:
Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Expensive Reads' and limit 'Expensive Reads per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:927538837578'.


Any idea on how I can solve this or even what this means?

102 replies

I just got this message as well 😅

I also recieved this message in connections with a Google form zap to mailerlite.

Add me to the list? Thank you.

Me as well!

Hi, I am also getting this error since today 

I got this error today as well.

Got same error 3-4h ago

I just got the same error too

i received this error multiple times today

The same for me. 

I am also seeing that error - please include me on the update 



You can add me to the list of affected users. 

Google Forms
Trigger partner failure: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Expensive Reads' and limit 'Expensive Reads per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:XXX'.

Please add me as well, started receiving this same exact message for a couple of my Zaps as of 3 hours ago. Thank you!

Same here, please add me to the list. 

also got this error today!

Just got it, too.

Same error as well

Ditto, just started getting those error notifications on Forms connected Zaps.

Userlevel 1

Please add me as well, as I just got the error message via email while my last zap was 3 days ago.

✅ Me too…. 

I have received this same error multiple times over the last two days. Please add me to the list to be notified when this is resolved. Thanks!


Same here.


Google Forms

Trigger partner failure: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Expensive Reads' and limit 'Expensive Reads per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:927538837578'.

Hi, I am also receiving the same error for my zaps, please notify when there is a workaround or a fix. Thanks.

Userlevel 1

Hi there team Zapier,


We're seeing this issue too on a lot of our Google Forms, which trigger business critical processes.


Could you add me to the bug list please?



Hi there,
same here

“trigger partner failure: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Expensive Reads' and limit 'Expensive Reads per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number: ...”

Please add me to the bug list as well!


I am also experiencing the same issue, can someone at support contact me? I am seeing so many people with the same issue and no resolution and this is really effecting my workflow with no solution on the horizon :/ 


@SamB @christina.d 

