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Google Tasks now has a number of ways of adding tasks. 

  1. Direct add
  2. Add from gMail using the make task button
  3. Add in an arbitrary Google Doc by creating a task checkmark then assigning

Zapier correctly detects new tasks that are added with methods 1 and 2, but does not ‘see’ tasks added in the third way, which means I can’t reliably use the integration to sync tasks.


Has anyone come across this? I assume it’s a bug in the Zapier integration or maybe Google Tasks presents tasks added that way slightly differently?

Me too please!

Hi @drewzer👋

Happy to confirm that you’ve been added as well. We’ll be in touch if/when it gets sorted. Thanks for your patience in the meantime! 

@SamB I’d like to be added too please - thank you!

In the meantime, I will try Titus’s workaround.

You got it, @dh1272🙂 

I’ve added you to the list of folks interested in this. Can’t promise if/when it will definitely be implemented by but we’ll send you an email notification as soon as it is. Hopefully that workaround helps to get things up and running for you in the meantime! 🤞

@christina.d : It’s been one year since this was discussed. Any movement on fixing this?

Please notify me when this is fixed -- thank you!!

If this is difficult to do exactly as requested, a workaround could be to add the event “Updated task” or “Task moved to a list” to the Google Task trigger. Then we could move or star tasks to tripper the zap. When we have to copy and paste a task to trigger it, as in Laura from SI’s workaround, we lose the link to the doc where the task was created.

Please notify me too!

I would also like to be notified on any updates on this, thanks!

Is this conected to that if I assign a google space tasks (created from Google chat) to me it is not registrering trigger?


The task appears as a new task in my “My tasks” list when it is assign to me, but dose not trigger a zap.



Tasks created from direct messages work fine.


Hello - I am encountering a similar issue - is this still in the queue or scheduled to get resolved any time soon? @SamB 

Hi @sgrove-mll, @Bhoebe, @Iris34, @KrisB and @lorynf - so sorry we missed your messages here previously!

I’ve checked on the feature request and it’s still not been implemented unfortunately. We don’t have any ETA I can share on when you can expect this to be resolved by but everyone here has had their votes added, so we’ll definitely be in touch as soon as it is. Thanks for everyone’s continued patience on this in the meantime. 🙂

Hey, please add me to the list as well. :) 

Hi @a5huto5h,

I have added you to the list of interested members. We will keep you in the loop via email once the feature has been implemented.


@ken.a Is there an ETA for fixing this? We want to sync to Todoist, and it doesn’t work either.

Hi there, @wkoszek 👋

We can’t provide any sort of ETA on when you might expect this to be implemented by. But I’ve added you to the list of folks being interested in this which will help to increase it’s priority. You’ll get an email notification from us once it’s added. And I’ll be sure to follow up here with any updates we have on the status of this feature request.

There’s no reported workarounds but if you’re able to have Google Tasks send an email notification with details of new tasks that are added then, perhaps you could use an email parsing app like Email Parser by Zapier. In your email account you’d set up those email notifications to be automatically forwarded to an email parser mailbox. Then you could have a Zap trigger from those emails instead. You can find out more about how to use Email Parser here: Trigger Zaps from new parsed emails

Hope that helps! 🙂

Hey there! Asking for an update and/or to add my vote for this feature.  It really does render the Zap kinda useless if you can’t rely on it to accurately reflect all the tasks that show up on your Google Tasks lists, regardless of how they got there.  Any update on this would be very much appreciated! Thx. 

Hi @EllaElevates,


I’ve added your vote for this feature request, and we’ll notify you via email once an update is readily available. Thanks.

Any update on this? I’m still trying to make this work!

I’ve just checked on the feature request @Liz123456 and there’s no updates at present. Sorry to not have better news at this time. I can’t give any estimate as to when it might be implemented by but I’ve added your vote to it which will help to bump up it’s priority.

Please add my vote to have this implemented. I create project plans and action items from client updates in Google Docs so this would be very helpful. 

You got it @treana! I’ve added your vote to that feature request so you’ll receive an email notification from us once it’s been rolled out. 🙂 

Subject: Issue with Google Tasks Integration – Tasks from Google Docs Not Syncing

Dear Zapier Support Team,

I’m experiencing an issue with the Google Tasks integration, where tasks created or edited within Google Docs (via the task checkmark feature) are not being detected by Zapier. Tasks created through Gmail or the Google Tasks app are syncing perfectly, but the ones from Google Docs seem to be missed.

I’ve ensured that all permissions and settings are enabled on both Google and Zapier's side, but the issue persists. Could this be a gap in the API, or is there a specific limitation with how tasks from Google Docs are handled in the Zapier integration?

Any guidance or update would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support!

Thanks for reaching out here, @jay777! 👋

I’ve added your vote that feature request as well so we can notify you once it’s sorted. I can’t give any estimates as to when it might be added but once it is that should help to get the tasks completed via Google Docs triggering your Zaps. 😁

Please add my vote to have this implemented. I use ToDoist and need all my Google tasks to import automatically. Thanks!

Sure thing, @shereeyoung! I’ve added your vote now, so you’ll get an email notification from us when/if it’s added. 🙂
