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Forgive my incredibly broad question, but are there any tips to make Zapier run more consistently?


I will set up a multi step automation, test it multiple times with no issues, publish it and trigger it, and it will work with no issues, and relatively fast. I would test it 5-10 times without fail. About an hour later, I’ll test it again using the same triggers and new data, and absolutely nothing happens. I know it’s not failing because it doesn’t even appear in the Zap history.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Hi @Mwarren 

Good question.

We’d need more context about how your Zap steps are configured.

Please post detailed screenshots of your Zap steps.

Hey there, @Mwarren! Appreciate you reaching out in community and sorry you’re running into this.

Is there a specific zap you’re experiencing this with? As Troy mentioned, are you able to expand on your workflow a bit more in terms of apps, triggers/actions and expectation?

I know it’s a not very specific but sometimes starting from the basics and confirming all is well in well there is a good place to start:

Let us know! 🙂

Hi Troy,


I am confident my zaps are configured correctly. When it randomly stopped working today, I turned the zap off and back on again, and everything starting work normally again. This is what I mean by inconsistencies.


Here are details regarding my zap:


Trigger: Specific cell change in

Action: Create new folder on GDrive

> Rename folder using data in

> Get Folder URL via Zapier Formatting

> Paste Folder URL in specific Monday Cell

> 6 More steps to create sub folders in the parent folder created.


Currently it is working as it should. What would you suggest if my zap should be triggered, but doesn’t, AND it doesn't show up in Zap history?

Hi @Mwarren,

The Zapier integration programmatically sets up a webhook integration on your board. You can view these integrations from your board (click on Integrate, then click Board Integrations). In my experience, the ones that are programmatically created (especially if you have multiple zaps all with the same trigger) can be a bit finicky for some reason. One possible thing that could be happening is that the webhook integration might be getting turned off from within which would mean your Zap is still on but the webhook notification is off… 

A potential workaround I sometimes use is to create the webhook integration myself and use Zapier’s Catch Webhook trigger instead of the official trigger. You can add a webhook integration on a board from within monday by clicking Integrate > then Add new Integration > then search for Webhooks

If you do try this workaround, one thing that i’ve found helpful is to add the webhook url as part of the zap name otherwise it can be hard to keep everything straight if you ever need to turn something off!