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ZAP Status is "skipped" when using "only continue if" step

  • 29 April 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi all

I have had my zaps set up and operating for months, all of a sudden instead of the status showing as “success” or “filtered” in zap history.

They are now showing as “skipped” on all zaps which are set up with “only continue if” filters in them.

I have edited each stage of the zap using a submission whis was previously skipped and proved the filter conditions are met and should proceed. It will even work when using the test feature in the zap builder. However no luck automaticly and does not work if I try to replay.

I have removed the “only continue if” feature on one zap and it works fine.

Any thoughts? It started randomly on Friday afternoon (26th April 2024).

Hi @ATzap 

  • Skipped: indicates that the Zap skipped the action step.
    This may be because:
    • A Filter or Path condition wasn't met.
    • The action step required info from a previous step but the previous step didn't return that info.

Hi @ATzap 

  • Skipped: indicates that the Zap skipped the action step.
    This may be because:
    • A Filter or Path condition wasn't met.
    • The action step required info from a previous step but the previous step didn't return that info.

Hi @Troy Tessalone 

Thank you for the response, I have tried changing my filter to a path and still found it to be skipping although it tests fine before publishing and field conditions are met for filters and paths. 

I cannot get my head around this as they have worked fine for the past 12-18 months since I set them up.


For us to have context, we would need to see screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured, along with specific examples from the Zap Runs DATA IN/OUT.

Hi @ATzap! 👋

I can see that you’ve also reached out to our Support team about this and they discovered that it was due an recent issue where fields with trailing colons in a filter condition were incorrectly being picked up as a metadata reference, causing them to be skipped: 

A fix has been implemented and any runs of the Zap that were previously skipped can be replayed and should now go through successfully. 

That said, if you find that they’re not all replaying successfully please continue the conversation you’ve got open with the Support team and they’ll be able to investigate further. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
