@0001Arno Awesome! So glad we arrived at the same conclusion and you were able to move forward. We’ll be here if anything else comes up!
Hi Jesse!
In the mean time, I’ve found the answer. It was exactly the answer you provided, so thanks for taking the time to check it! Have a nice day :D
Hey @0001Arno! Just stepping in for Chanelle here! From your screenshot, it looks like the field you’re referencing is actually the Contact ID, which is why it’s in that long strong of letters and numbers. It’s how the app uniquely classifies a contact. I am not seeing a “Phone Number” field, so it’s likely we can’t look far enough into the deal to start pulling contact information outside of the ID and type.
That said, if you add a “Find Contact” Teamleader Focus step right after triggering on the new deal, you can dynamically find the contact using the contact “ID” from your trigger. That will likely surface the phone number field you’re looking for and from there, you can send that information to Wati. 
Give that a go and let us know how you make out here!
Hey there @0001Arno -
I think this article may be useful for you. It goes into further depth on how to get phone numbers formatted appropriately and even provides a few workarounds just in case.