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Question, i have been using a zap for a text/email funnel.


Been using the delay for but got this message: Task was stopped because its Zap has diverged too much due to changes in the addition/removal/ordering of steps, or substitution of apps.


I changed it to delay queue will that fix the error?


I don’t know what else to do, i’ve searched and as far as I understand the delay for is how I delay each text or email?

Hi @wagsleeze 

Zaps that change too much due to the substitution of apps in Zap steps and/or the the adding/removing/reordering the Zap steps will cause Zap Runs to encounter an error.

You can replay Zap Runs from the start again by replaying the entire Zap Run, but that may not be what you want.

It’s better to use other approaches for handling long Delays in Zaps.

There are apps dedicated to handling email/SMS sequences outside of Zaps.

Or you can configure logic to have Zap Runs triggered for each email/SMS message to send as individual Zaps where the delay logic is handled outside Zaps.

It could be an issue with delays or schedules in the zap setup. peak at task history and enable error notifications, the problem will be in front of like hairs of a shedding dog come in the comb.
