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Hi Community,

As I’ve created the zap in Zapier to integrate the Greenhouse with HubSpot. The flow of my zap is whenever a new job is posted to greenhouse, it will update the status of my WordPress post. And it’s not working as I published a new job in Greenhouse, there is no zap triggered and neither any history nor error. Kindly review my zap and let me know if I have created it incorrectly or if there is any other better way to integrate both platforms.

Thank you!

Hi @Raed 

Good question.

All of the Greenhouse Zap triggers are scheduled, not instant.

Polling trigger: the majority of triggers are polling triggers.
With a polling trigger, Zapier will request data from your trigger every 1 to 15 minutes in order to start your Zap, depending on your pricing plan.



Check your Zap Runs after some time to see if the Zap triggered:

Hey there, @Raed! Thanks for reaching out in the community! 🙂

I took a peek and I saw your ticket from last week relayed to this and wanted to share their response in case you hadn’t received it:

Upon checking, this appears to be related to a known issue with Greenhouse not triggering when a new job is posted. We have been seeing other users running into this issue, and our developers are working on this now to make sure we get it resolved as soon as possible.
While we do not have an ETA on when will this get resolved, I've attached your email address to our internal tracking item on this and we'll update you automatically as soon as we know more. Really sorry for the hassle here!

We’ll also be sure to update the topic once a fix is in place! Sorry to not have better news here but definitely appreciate you flagging this in community. 


Another option instead of waiting is to manually run your Zap.

