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I am having issues with my custom GPT saying I have no AI Actions available when I do. I have one AI Action that worked a couple of times and now I keep getting a GPT error saying there are no actions available.

Error message



My AI Action



I used the Zapier AI Actions: Live Demo to test my AI Action and it succeeded. So I know my AI Action is configured correctly.



Not sure what’s going on and looking for guidance.

Welcome to the Community, @cryptorunr!

Sorry to hear of the troubles here! Hmm, it’s odd that it was working previously and then stopped suddenly. Presumably no changes had been made to the set up of the AI Action between when it was working and when it stopped working, is that correct?

Can you please share a screenshot showing the details that appear when you click on gdebug] Response received to expand it:


That’ll help us to see exactly what error message was received by the GPT when attempting to run the AI Action. I’m thinking that there may be some clue there to help indicate what the cause of the issue was.

Thanks, I look forward to your reply! 

Here is the output of the [debug]Response Received



That’s very strange. With a status code of “200” that would indicate that it was successful but it didn’t return any results for the search. 

When you tested in the Live Demo section did it return a result for the search. It would look something like this:

Or were no results listed in the Results section there?

If none were listed then it may be that there’s something wrong with the setup of the search action. In which case can you share a screenshot showing the set up of that Get Friday Stories AI Action, so we can double-check the set up there?

Also, can you confirm that all the steps outlined here were followed in setting up the instructions for the GPT? Just want to make sure nothing was missed on that side that might have caused an issue with the GPT being able to run the AI action.

Keen to get to the bottom of this so will keep an eye out for your response! 🙂

So I’ve reviewed my settings dozens of times and tried lots of different things and finally found one way to get it to work.

When I run my GPT and get the “not currently available in your Zapier account” error, I click on the GPT Privacy Settings, log out, and the log in. This somehow fixes the problem and allows the AI Action to be seen and executed.


YAY! That’s fantastic news, @cryptorunr🙌 And thank you so much for sharing the solution you found here. This will greatly help other folks with similar issues that come across this thread, so it’s much appreciated! 🤗

If you run into any further issues or questions please do reach out in the Community again, we’d love to hear from you! 

no work!!!!help me!!!

I’m so sorry to hear you’re running into some trouble here @nanae

Can you please share some further details as to what’s not working?

Is it that you tried the solution outlined in cryptorunr’s last post and it didn’t work? If not, can you give that a try and let us know if that resolves it?

If you’ve given that a try and it doesn’t work can you share screenshots of the setup of the AI Action? And confirm whether you’re seeing this same gdebug] Response result status code?: 

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!

I have the same problem and the login/logout doesn’t work 

It only detects 2 actions: 

Over the 5 I have actived


Here is what I have when I tried to run the Slack action:



@jbjzq double check your instructions and make sure actions are correctly listed with name and their links. Then start a fresh ChatGPT session with your custom gpt and begin by asking it to check its instructions and list the actions for you. If you see them listed then tell it to test actions. See how that works out.

Hi there @jbjzq 👋

Were you able to get things solved following @Jacques K’s helpful suggestions here? 

Eager to ensure you’re all set so please do let us know whether or not that solved things for you! 🙂

Hello everyone, ai actions enthousiastic dev here,

I ran into the same issue using my GPT that is working in the test environment and in the browser version of chatGPT, but not in the (Android) app. 

​​​​​​When I try to log out from the GPT settings menu, or revoke access from my Zapier account, and run my GPT in the app, I get the screen to allow openAI access, but here I run into what I think is a bug:

The 'allow' button does make me go back to the app, but does not change my GPT to logged in (and I get the same error). When I check my browser the allow access page is still there, which confirms my suspicion that the access has not passed. Only when I disable my app, the allow bottom DOES in fact work, but takes me to the browser chatgpt instead. 

After this action, the GPT settings show logged in, but again the GPT only works in the browser environment.


Of course the desired behavior would be that regardless of the environment in which I grant access, the GPT would work. Second best (for now during alpha) would be that it'll work for the app environment when I allow from there.


Why I would love to guys to fix this: I would really like to use chatgpt speech ( which only works in the app ) combined with my Zapier ai action GPT. That'll give me superpowers 🤓
