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I am trying to utilize the “API Request” action for ProductBoard, but every time I try to test my requests I get a 401 response with the following error:

Bad token; invalid JSON

Since Zapier says it sends the proper authorization headers, I’m unable to see what it’s sending or if it is correct. I also tried manually adding an Authorization header with my bearer token, but got the same message.

Here is a screenshot of the request I’m trying to test with:


I am able to use all the other Productboard triggers and actions without any issues.

Hi @SD Admin 

For us to have more info, post these:

  • screenshots showing how your Zap step is configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field mappings
  • link to the app API endpoint documentation you referenced to configure the API request in the Zap step

Hi @SD Admin! 👋 

Were you since able to get this sorted on your own? If you did, we’d love it if you could share some details on how you solved it so others in the Community can give that a try too! 🙏

And if not, we’re happy to help further! API Requests use the authentication details for the connected account so there’s no need to add any authorization headers to the set up of the request. 

Looking at the screenshot you sent it appears you might be trying to use ProdcutBoard’s Retrieve company endpoint, is that right? If so, it could be the lack of a company ID in the URL that’s causing an issue as they’re expecting to have the ID included at the end:

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction if you’re still stuck. Would love to hear how you’re getting on so please keep us updated on how things are going on this!
