Hey @MayaB ,
You can learn more about this error on Constant Contact community here
Thank you for the prompt reply
Hey @MayaB
I just came across your post here and wanted to check whether that guide jayeshkumarbhatia helped you to rid of that error?
Keen to ensure you’re all set!
Hi, I still encounter this error from time to time in Zapier, but it seems to be related to spam users that I don’t want to save in my systems anyway. So now that I know this, I’m fine with these failures
Thanks for following up!
Thanks so much for getting back to me @MayaB! I’m so glad to hear that error is only occurring for spam users that you don’t want to have added to Constant Contact anyway.
Seems like you’re all set for now but please do reach back out to the Community again if there’s anything further we can assist with in future. In the meantime, happy Zapping!
I’m having the exact same issue but I do not think it’ connected to spam accounts. Is there another work around?
Thanks for reaching out here @CNW!
The error message "Email address is invalid or has been flagged by compliance" is usually returned by Constant Contact when an email address has been flagged by their compliance checks. So it may not just be SPAM accounts, it could also happen for other cases like if an email has been used to sign up to a number of accounts in a short space of time.
We don’t have any visibility from our end into Constant Contact's compliance checks to see the specific reason behind the email being flagged. So I’d recommend reaching out to Constant Contact’s Account Review department here to get further details on why the email addresses are being flagged and see if there’s anything that can be done to prevent them from being incorrectly flagged in future.
Please do keep us updated on how you get on with them, keen to ensure this gets sorted!
Hi @SamB! Thank you for this feedback. I did reach out to Constant Contact and they confirmed that all was good on their end. They instructed me to contact Zapier to get the issue resolved. I haven’t had any luck with Zapier because they only have online support and I haven’t been able to actually speak with someone.
Thanks for the update here @CNW, it’s much appreciated. I’ve done some checking on this end and can see that you were since able to get this resolved with the help of our Support team!
They checked the error logs and spotted that Constant Contact was stating "street_addressese0]_kind] is missing"which was due to the Address Type field not having any value selected. And it appears that selecting a value for that field in the Zap then that got rid of the “Email address is invalid or has been flagged by compliance” errors you were seeing. Yay!
So it seems like you’re all set for now, but if anything changes on that front please do reach back out. In the meantime, happy Zapping!