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Hi, is there a way that I can consume a ZAP created as an API. 

Likewise to use the ZAP through an API and also I’m not able to find anything on having different environments for the development of ZAP, like different environments for development(with multiple inside them for each dev) and for testing. Are these available on Zapier?

Hi @iiamrbc! Just to make sure that I understand what you’re asking for, would you mind clarifying what you mean by “consume a ZAP created as an API”, if you wouldn’t mind?

As for your other question, it sounds like you’re asking for something like a testing or staging environment where you can modify existing Zaps, is that right? We don’t offer anything like that but in order to record the feedback for our team, would you be able to expand a bit on the use case there? For a Zap that’s turned on already, I can totally see wanting to modify it without affecting the live Zap. kind of like a staging environment for a website, so you can make edits and then merge when it’s complete.

Outside of that, I’m curious what “different environments for development(with multiple inside them for each dev) and for testing” looks like for you.


Hi @iiamrbc!

I wanted to check in with you on this one, since I didn't hear back after my last message. Did you still need help here or were you able to resolve things? Please let us know :)

HI @nicksimard 

Thank you for the answer,


About the API, after creating a Zap, making it available as an API so that it can consumed from outside, assume it can be achieved through webhooks, but I’m not quite sure. 

On the environments, assuming there are 5 developers in a team to integrate, my question is that can each have access to modify and update, also have the logs who changed what something GIT version tracking as the staging enviroments.

Hi @iiamrbc!

My apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

Zap API: There’s no great way to build a Zap using whichever apps you want (like a Gmail trigger and Slack action, for example), and then triggering it via an API. But, you CAN use the Webhooks trigger in a Zap (Catch Hook) and then add whichever actions you want, then send a request to the URL that we provide in order to have that Zap run.

Environments: For Zaps, you can currently share them if you’re all members of a team. We don’t yet have versioning but we’re working on an audit log, where you can see the following:

  • Zap Switched On
  • Zap Switched Off
  • Zap Deleted
  • Zap Owner Changed

Over time we want to add more event support. This is currently limited to Zapier staff and a small group of users, but we’re excited to get into the hands of all customers.