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I’m trying to get ConnectWise Manage to Teams integration setup, but I’ve having problems with using the “Custom” channel feature. If I set the channel statically, then the Zap can post message just fine, but what I want it to do is select the channel based on information in the source message. I can see the variable I need (customer ID) in the source message, and can configure the Zap to use that as the channel selection, but this only generates a “Bad Request” error.

I see when I manually select a specific channel, there’s a channel GUID, perhaps the channel name is not getting converted to the GUID when you use a variable as input?

Whatever the issue, I’d really like to get this working, as just posting to a general channel is not very useful compared to posting to the correct customer channel… Thanks!

Ok, I was right - the Text Channel name when supplied as a variable does not get converted into the required Channel GUID. Adding a lookup table to do this manually works (although it’s pretty clunky - Zap should be smart enough to do the lookup itself).