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 Hi I have a Stripe USA account with issuing. So Issuing itself has about 8 tables; I can review those tables using Stripe Sigma reporting services. I need some developer to help pull all those 8 tables into my own database, be it MS SQL, or MySQL or some other database hosted online. Please call me @ 111-xxx-xxxx I know you probably have been  integrating with the Acquiring side of tables no problem; but these tables are newly added in 2019 I believe and it's quite a new dimension for Stripe. 

 @3FIRELEGS please direct message me to discuss.

David Mercer

Certified Zapier Expert

It completely depends on the needs and current system you have, but we can definitely help you out on this. Our creativity and team of developers will definitely produce a great product. Thins we can use to your fintech solution:

  • Adalo
  • Pipedream
  • AWS lambda
  • Custom SQL scripts
  • etc.

We have already had some contact, so let’s continue with it! 
