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We are using Zapier for Cloud calling service where phone number and date of call get updated in google spread sheet at the bottom when we receive call on board line.

Problem: when same customer is calling again then number don’t get updated because we implemented duplicate filter in zapier.

Expected Solution : We want a system where existing row should move to the bottom or date column should get updated there only.

If you have better idea plz suggest.

Hi @aJAX 

Good question.

Sounds like you may want to consider using Airtable instead of GSheets.

Airtable has Views which can be Sorted.

Hey @aJAX! Troy’s suggestion of using Airtable is certainly something to look into. However, if you were wanting to stick with Google Sheets, you could set up a Zap like so:

  1. Phone call received
  2. Google Sheets “Find Row” (to look for the number - you can also check a box to create a new row if one isn’t found)
  3. Google Sheets “Update Row” (to update the “date” column for the existing number with the current day/time)

Does that sound like it would work for your use case? Let us know which you end up trying and using - we want to make sure you’re taken care of here! 

Hello, create a Zapier like as you suggested but got the error 


Thanks a ton, I am able to solve the problem.