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People fill out a registration form in RegFox, and they most of the time have multiple people they register at the same time.  So it is one registration but could have 8 people and all their info as well.  I would like to have Zapier send that to excel with a different row for each person.  Would I need to create 8 different zaps to make this happen, or is there a way to get it done with one?

Hi there @Ofoy ,


This should be possible within 1 Zap workflow. It all depends on how the output returns from RegFox. To understand this challenge more, could you send some more details? Like;

  • How does your current Zap workflow look like?
  • How does the output from RegFox look like when you register with 8 people?
  • Maybe a screenshot from your current Zap workflow to make things clear.

Let me know


Forgive me if this isnt what your looking for, I am new to Zapier and trying to figure this out.

Attached is the Workflow from RegFox to Excel.  That image is for the first person.  All the rest are labeled Player2 name, Player2 Email, etc...

Regfox does have the data that you can download into excel now, but it is just one row, but if 8 people are in one registration it is like 40-45 columns on the SAME row in excel, which obviously i have to get and clean up.  I would much rather use Zapier and get each Person on its on row initially but connected by the transaction ID or something.  Thanks so much for your help and thoughts. 

Great! Thank you for the information. Could you test the action with 8, people and show us the output? Like how the action handles with 8 people (all on multiple lines, or comma between them, etc.)

To fix this you could either use a 

- formatter action

- code action

Just before you input the data to sheets. This way you can make an object for all the dependent persons and run an action on them.

