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New to Zapier so forgive if very basic:
I am trying to conneect our ATS system (Recruitee) with Slack, data going one way ATS → Slack.

I want a new candidate to trigger a new Slack channel and this is all easy, I have already done it. From there on though, I apparently need to use mapping in order to refer to the newly created channel and I can only do this in subsequent steps. I would like notifications regarding a candidate to trigger a Slack message, but if this is a new action, I suppose I cannot refer to the newly created channel?  Ideal path:


1.ATS: new candidate → New Slack channel (candidate name)

2.ATS: new comment on candidate profile → Slack comment (to candidate name -channel)


If I cannot make this work, I am considering using an existing Slack channel, but then I’d prefer to
use a thread per candidate, eg.

1.ATS: new candidate → Slack comment
2.ATS: new comment on candidate profile → Slack comment (to same thread as #1)

is it realistic to do either of these? I don’t mind finding the professional to do this if I know it’s doable. Thank you in advance for any advice.

How you can do it is to first create a channel with the name you want: 


After that use the Send Channel Message in Slack action to send a message in to your newly created channel. use the Channel ID instead of channel name here: 

Hopefully this moves you forward with your automations!



Hi @bluefootball, welcome to the Community! 😁

In order for the Zap to select the right Channel to post the comment in, you’d need a way of giving it the relevant channel Id. Ideally we’d have a “Find Channel” action that could search for the channel and supply the ID for it. But the Slack app doesn’t have such that kind of action.

For the “new comment on candidate profile” part, I’m not seeing any trigger that would allow you to trigger a Zap when that happens. There’s a Candidate Moved to Stage trigger so you could run a Zap when the candidate is moved to a certain stage and get the Zap to post a message in the relevant Channel. Would that be suitable?

What I’m thinking here is that you could use a third party app to store a record of the new channels that are created. For example you could add them into a Google Sheet, then have the Zap that adds the comment search that Google Sheet for the relevant Channel ID.

The workflow I’m thinking of would be:

Zap 1 - Creates the Channel

  • Trigger: New Candidate (Recruitee)
  • Action: Create Channel (Slack)
  • Action: Create Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) 


Zap 2 - Searches for the Channel ID then sends a message in the channel.

  • Trigger: Candidate Moved to Stage (Recruitee)
  • Action: Lookup Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) 
  • Action: Send Channel Message (Slack)

Do you think that approach would work? Or would Zap to need to run for a comment in order to pass that specific comment over to the Channel? 

Thank you for the responses.

@SamB thank you for writing that out, I have not been able to test it but I trust it works and if thats the only way to send further notifications to the new channel, I think we can do it. I presume the trigger itself is not crucial in what exactly it is - by “notification” I meant “note”, there is a “new note in profile” trigger so I was going to use that - but the crucial bit i guess is the google sheet row where Zapier will find channel ID. So I think we will try out the suggestion.

Hey there, @bluefootball! Definitely feel free to swap out the trigger for the New Note in Profile since you’re right, the subsequent steps will remain the same. 🙂

Keep us posted - we’ve love to know how this works out for you!