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I made a mistake on a zap, the mistake just sent the data to the wrong Pardot form so it ran successfully 11 times just sending the data to the wrong form. Now that I have corrected the mistake I want to re-run those 11 successful runs so the data goes to the correct form, how can I do that?

Just wanted to follow up here to add that if you’re unable to get the trigger app to re-trigger for the same information, there’s a workaround you can try. It’s not always possible but if you’re able to export the data you want the Zap to re-trigger on as a CSV file then you can use Google Sheets to import it into the correct Pardot form.

You can find out more about that workaround here: Bulk import data into Zaps :)

Hi @David Donnelly 

You can’t replay a successfully run Zap.

You’ll need to fire the Zap trigger again with the data you want to use.



  • The step has already run successfully: steps that have already run successfully will not replay.